What We Believe

It is our chief delight and desire to serve and glorify the one true God, and Him alone, in every part of our lives. We are able to do this only through the salvation God has provided us in Jesus Christ and by the work of the Holy Spirit. Our guide for serving God is the Bible, the inspired Word of God, without error. The Bible is the only authority to guide us in what we are to believe and how we are to live.

Being a Reformed church, we find our roots in the great Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century. More specifically, we hold to the great Biblical truths that mankind is hopelessly lost in sin and deserving only of God’s eternal punishment. However, in His grace and through the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ, God has provided full and free salvation for a people who He has eternally chosen to Himself. Their salvation is secured by the death of Jesus on the cross and is received and enjoyed by faith alone in Jesus Christ.

God irresistibly draws His people to Jesus Christ by faith through the power of His Word, especially as that Word is preached. God also preserves His people in their salvation through His Word, ultimately bringing them to the eternal glory of Heaven. We profess that we are saved only by God’s sovereign grace.

These Biblical truths are summarized in the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dordt which we hold as our confessional standards.

Read about our denominational affiliation, church leadership and more.

What Is a Protestant Reformed Church?

Who is Jesus? - by Rev. Audred Spriensma



We believe that Jesus has instituted two sacraments. These are holy signs of the death of Christ and they seal to believers the righteousness which is by faith (Romans 4:11-13).

The sacrament of BAPTISM pictures the initial work of God in salvation. He washes away all sin and makes perfectly clean. Most frequently, the sacrament is administered to infants of godly parents.

The sacrament of the LORD’S SUPPER pictures God’s work of sustaining salvation in His people. He shows them their union with Christ and constant need for the saving power of Jesus’ death. The sacrament is administered six times during the year. Those non-members who wish to partake with the congregation must request permission from the elders.